Deep Vision Testing Stirs Media Attention

Last week's testing of Deep Vision spawned several articles in the media. The website of Norway's biggest newspaper VG, along with, and Aftenposten Innsikt have all reported on the latest developments of the commercial prototype.The media has shown great interest in the Deep Vision system as it is being tested in the Barents Sea this week as part of a CRISP, the website of Norway's biggest newspaper, features the Deep Vision system on their front page today. The article has been published in cooperation with, a website dedicated to Norwegian and international research. The journalist from has participated on the cruise and presents in the article a video explaining the features of the system.Another article has been published on, a website that covers business news from the west coast of Norway, focusing on offshore, marine and energy business. has followed the live video transfer from the cruise showing Deep Vision in action under water.The main news provider for the Nordic seafood industries, Fiskaren, has followed the cruise throughout the week and published several articles on their website.An in depth article about the innovative research behind Deep Vision has been featured in the monthly magazine Aftenposten Innsikt last week as part of a series of articles about the resource challenges in the fisheries.Related:


See Deep Vision in action on cruise with G.O. Sars


See live underwater video of Deep Vision from the Barents Sea